one fine evening
The advantage of age is that when your children are all grown up and moved out, you have the house to yourself for whatever fun games you care to play. Games, that when we were first married, we were...
I think it is quite proper to explain a little for those who might have just come into the spanking scene, and have not really thought it through. It is very easy to be a novice, see the bloodied or...
View Articlepegging with a smile
Well, since we have experienced pegging, we have also made love, without spanking. MAking love is wonderful, whether after spanking, or on it's own. We try to say exciting things at times while making...
View Articlethe benefits of a sore bottom
I have copied this from a blog entitled Four Red Cheeks, but this blog is now private by invitation only. I have added a couple of words in bold to the posting.Please note the well thought out use of...
View ArticleAdvice for the beginner contemplating Domestic discipline
I have copied this from a website, but changed the names and any identifiable information. ...Hi. My name is Cynthia, and I have a few questions for everyone.First of all, I have never done any...
View Articlereal spankings creator's tumblr
Tumbling around the internet, brought this little gif to light. we have never used mouth soaping, but when you look at this gif, you can see it just might be effective, specially either before a...
View ArticleF/M : husband requests and receives a spanking
Sometimes I feel like I need to be spanked, when Cindy has not spanked me for a significant time. Due to family issues, I went about a month without being spanked, and had been spanked only once since...
View ArticleHave you ever visited a professional spanker?
This thought comes to mind, in wondering how (mostly) men deal with their desire to be spanked, but have yet to have the courage to speak openly with the woman they love.I have no knowledge of the...
View ArticleDiscussing your desire to be spanked with your partner
A person emailed this to me a few days ago, and I think it is worth re-printing for everyone. I have added my reflections in blue.*****************I've been reading your blog for some time now, and...
View Articlefun in Britain
Welcome to the hilariously-named villages locals insist are lovelier than they soundRead more:...
View Articlecaptions are wonderful
I have been trolling tumblr sites, and have found many items of interest.....so remember.... and I think you have earned a spanking for your behaviorandwhen the spanking has finished, you had better...
View Articlehusband well spanked and loved
Keeping track of spankings and reporting for people's enjoyment gets sometimes difficult.Two or three days ago , I said something at breakfast that resulted in Cindy having me stand up, bare my...
View Articlephotos of women sitting on chairs
My recent post probably had photosthat you have seen beforesohereisa collectionof newer photos of women waiting eagerly to spank youbut their patienceis about to disappearso scurry to bend over the...
View Articlewordless communication
Just a little humor, to suggest that words of endearment are not necessarily needed to inform the male that he is about to be spanked.Some women appreciate that at many times men wear a leash,...
View ArticleHappy Father's Day
I really should have thought ahead, and made a post for Father's DayIt is a nice gesture by your wife to make certain you are on your best behavior when the children come to visit...far better than...
View Articlespanking thoughts in pictures
The wonderful things of pictures is that you can make up the dialog in your own mind...It could be Stop right there. Be quiet, and get all of those clothes off NOW!! You know what will happen to...
View Articlelearning the pleasures of a foot fetish
I thought I would post some interesting photos of pleasurable feet.Some people have this desire, and I at times lick and suck on Cindy's toes, before placing her spanking shoes on her feet... adds an...
View Articlemore spanking tumblr sites
Instead of highlighting just one in a posting, here is a little list of spanking sites you might like to visit...whapsboy.tumblr.com has over 572 pages of spanking related pictures for your...
View Articleget upstairs
Just a few photos to whet the appetitefollow meor is it simply follow meWhatever the method, the outcome is a foregone certainty...bottoms upRED
View Articlecaptions are fun
well, another day, and more dreamingAs Ms. Kelly Payne (of tantrumtrainers.com) might say...Now, if you follow the above, pretty soon you can have him do whatever you want, alwaysHere is an advantage...
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