I've been reading your blog for some time now, and always find it to be a fascinating look at what appears to be a solid relationship between you and your spouse. (it is)
Over the years I've confessed my interest in spanking to my wife, and on occasion she'd pull me over her lap in a playful way, mostly as a prelude to sex. It was always fun and enjoyable, but for me, something was always missing.

I finally wrote her a long letter one day and told her how I felt, which prompted a long discussion. Her fear of hurting me, of not knowing what to do inhibited her desire to explore this further.(The fear of hurting the person you love is a reasonable and major stumbling block! It takes time, and seeing that you are in no way harmed, for your wife to begin to feel comfortable with spanking you to solve problems that she perceives in your relationship. This is one reason why it is so essential for you to thank her for spanking you, immediately after the spanking has ended, and probably again in a few days. Then you must do your absolute best to rectify the reason for the spanking, so that she sees positive results). (More information is available in the lifestyle kit from the disciplinary wives club, which I recommend you purchase.)
Still, it must have registered with her. A recent birthday prompted her to begin "threatening" me with a spanking, one to mark all of my years on this earth. Well, the birthday came and went and I did something stupid to wreck the mood of the day, and that was that....until the following day.

She was dead serious, and with that proceeded to give me a long spanking with her hand, lecturing the entire time. In the end, she told me to get up, gave me a kiss, and told me to remain that way for the rest of the afternoon so she could be reminded of her handiwork.

Have to say, despite her lack of experience, she did quite a job. (It is best never to judge how she gives a spanking.) My bottom remained red for some time afterwards. I thanked her for doing what she did, and apologized for my poor behavior the day earlier. We'll see if this ultimately results in more trips over her knee down the road, but for now I'm pleased that it seems to have worked out for us both.
Good luck Sir. If ever your wife wants to write to me privately, I can offer whatever advice she might like. However, every couple has their own unique situation. I recommend that you purchase her a real wooden hair brush, or the 'old reliable' from the DWC, so that she can be more effective, without hurting her hand. It is your bottom that should be punished, not her hand.
bottoms up