reflections and BENEFITS of the 12 days of Christmas SPANKINGS
This has been an ongoing and interesting experiment, which was suggested by me as a ways for reducing Cindy's stress on the build-up to Christmas. (plus more benefits for both of us)We have not been...
View Articlebe happy
If you are about to be spanked..She might even state REMEMBER: IF you are in a consensual spanking arrangement, you have given prior consent to be spanked when your partner thinks it is necessaryShe or...
View Articlejoys and worries of spankings
Just a fun post on my part...It must be a pleasure to spank a tall womanBUT can anyone explain why he is wearing pants???????????????? Â The worry begins as you wait naked on the bed for your spanking...
View Articlekitchen fun
The first photo would be more appropriate to say Soup stirrer survivor, but I am certain we will try this some daySo many choices A home with a sense of humor Make certain your eyes are not seen...
View Articlethoughts on travel
So many wonderful places to visit in this world, but always be preparedand have fun while you are there!Example: who could pass up this sign and not take the implication as a challengeAnother favorite...
View Articleadventurous tuesdays revisiting male submission
My method of keeping this blog active is to wander around tumblr sites, and save photos (some captioned) or gifs that I like, but I have yet to know how to save a video on a tumblr...Thus, I am now...
View ArticleLadies CONSENSUAL bottom tanning day
Wouldn't this be a delightful day for many readers, if we could make this a day celebrated globally. Requirements might be a before and after photobut some might then make her put her panties back on,...
View Articleday ten of the 12 days of Christmas
All is back to normal! Family has gone back to their houses, and we return to a lifetime of leisurely retirement. Thus, day ten raised it's spanking head.One of the goals of this for me was to permit...
View Articlegifs for today
Many people have the gift of being ale to create really good captions to add extra interest and excitement to a gif or photo.and with a few, one can create a nice sequence of eventsthus, when you have...
View Articlewhen you arrive home
Sometimes, your recent shenanigans lead to a quite certain future!Your wife might be waiting at the stairs as you try to quietly tiptoe upstairs. Possibly by the closet where you hang up your coat,...
View Articleday 11 spanking
It has been more than a week since we continued the 12 days of Christmas spanking. This day 11 happened on January 15.The first rule, if you ever try this, is "THERE ARE NO RULES"THUS, YOU CAN ADAPT IT...
View Articleconsensual spanknig day for men
totally my own idea, but if we have a day when women should be consensually spanked, then it makes sense so that a week later men have the same delightful activity.Here are a few ideas for the ladies,...
View Articleday 12 of Christmas spankings
Day 12 happened, and I am lucky that many days elapsed between some of the spankings. These lapses were not deliberate, just caused by family visiting, and other per-occupations.Day 12 was planned, but...
View Articleon the road agian
Travel is fun, and we are fortunate to have enough money, if used carefully, to travel often....There is the excitement of not knowing what you will discoverThe Caribbean has so much to offer... sun,...
View Articlefirst date dreaming for male subs
So many captions in this world.... so here is another fantasy you might enjoy....You might be wishing it was this easyIt is however better that you first chat before meeting... and then..Now, if you...
View Articlesometimes you have to ask to be spanked
If you really think a spanking will help you alter your attitude.....or help solve a pointless disagreement that couples get into to at timesor maybe chase away the bluesa good spanking will chase away...
View ArticleKitchen spanking utensils
Many of my on the spot spankings occur in the kitchen. Thee is a plethora of implements readily available, and a simple "Bare your bottom and bend over" makes a spanking so easy to give.but OTK is also...
View Articleguide to a happy home
As winter drags on, sometimes the blues set in. This winter blues only applies to northern climes, but the solution is always easy...A woman can spank those blues awayby just reaching into the drawer...
View ArticleThe tawse
I highly recommend that you consider purchasing a tawse. The short is ideal for OTK, and the long is ideal for standing or prone on the bed. Ours came from http://www.cane-iac.com/It is easy to use,...
View Articlegarage sales
Always expect to find a treasure every now and then when browsing garage salesGreat thought for todayThe above is the Christmas present outfit we should have given our wives, instead of AN IRONING...
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