It is always enjoyable for a blogger to get feedback from their viewers. (Day Two)
Thus, many years ago, love our lurkers day was suggested to encourage viewers to venture out and leave a comment on a post.
The viewer might like to share their experiences, using anonymous, but signing a fictitious name so that future comments enhance knowledge of the person commenting.
Do consider taking the time to share your thoughts.
The only restriction on this blog is :
No discussion related to spanking children,
even if you yourself were spanked as a child.
Please leave a comment
The title has probably intrigued you, so you may still be reading.
I am suggesting to Cindy that she give me five spanks
for EACH different person
who is NOT using ANONYMOUS (unknown) when commenting!
Each comment will have a different spanking implement used!
Every comment will be acknowledged with the implement used at a later date
I challenge other bloggers
to post this on their blog
and follow through.
PS: No need to acknowledge where you obtained the idea, please!
bottoms up
Thanks for dropping by.
bottoms up