This post is meant to hopefullyencourage those who meander over to my blog (readers),
who may have never (or rarely) left any comment,
and a big encouragement for those who comment occasionally or regularly
to make a Tiny, little (or longer) comment, to celebrate
our love of spanking
In Reality, you might be excited by spanking thoughts
but fearful when you know the spanking is about to happen
and acknowledging you will be spanked with the implement you are giving to your spanker
I would love to here your ideas on spanking!
Any and all the aspects of spanking that you are involved with, except with one guideline.
I use comment moderation, and will not publish anything mentioning the spanking of children.
Please leave a comment
The title has probably intrigued you, so you may still be reading.
I am suggesting to Cindy that she give me five spanks
for EACH different person
who is NOT using ANONYMOUS (unknown) when commenting!
Each comment will have a different spanking implement used!
Every comment will be acknowledged with the implement used at a later date
I challenge other bloggers
to post this on their blog
and follow through.
PS: No need to acknowledge where you obtained the idea, please!
bottoms up
love our lurkers