A common feature of spanking photos
is that the spanked person is holding their spanked bum
and the expression, keep your hands away from your bottom (while the spanker smiles for the photo)
or it can be used to curtail your snacking habits after being spanked
Are you permitted to hold your bottom after being spanked?
Does it give any comfort to your bottom after being spanked?
However, sometimes you may be permitted to hold your bottom, as your partner delights in how you dance around the room
I can say undoubtedly that holding your bottom before you are spanked has no lessening of the spanking whatsoever
bottoms up
is that the spanked person is holding their spanked bum
or creeping downward to their spanked bum
whereas everyone is familiar with the poseand the expression, keep your hands away from your bottom (while the spanker smiles for the photo)
but you might see the spanker enjoying the warmth of your bottom while you stand with your hands in front

My questions to you today are:
Does it give any comfort to your bottom after being spanked?
However, sometimes you may be permitted to hold your bottom, as your partner delights in how you dance around the room
I can say undoubtedly that holding your bottom before you are spanked has no lessening of the spanking whatsoever
bottoms up