We have been at home for a week, and no spankings had occurred for about two weeks or more. I had asked to be spanked to relieve tension of a foolish nature, but Cindy did not act on it immediately.
The next day, when Cindy had gone shopping, I placed the wooden bath brush on the spanking chair, and her spanking shoes in front of the chair.
When Cindy returned home, she went about her normal routine, but later called me to the bedroom. No lecture, and this gif is appropriate in demeanor.
" Move the spanking chair out into the middle of the room and bare your bottom!
I helped put Cindy's high heel black leather shoes on, as they raise her knees to keep me easily on her lap.
I stood beside Cindy and lowered my pants, but Cindy lowered my underwear.
" I guess someone must be needing this!" and Cindy started off with strong spanks, and I started instantly regretting the choice of that wooden bath brush. It had been a long time since it has been used, and I had forgotten how effective it is for spanking someone's bottom (MINE!!!). Cindy simply spanked away, with strong arm spanks, and plenty of them. I was owwing and yelping, with Cindy only pausing on two occasions to catch her breath, and ask if my arms and shoulders were okay.
(The above photo shows how my feet must have been dancing, but Cindy grasps the bath brush at the far end of the handle, making for a much longer arc and harder spank with wrist action snapping it into your bottom, as shown by the woman in the photo sitting on a chair.)
Cindy has not spanked this strongly in quite sometime, but upon reflection, this is the type of strength she used when I received my three spankings outdoors on vacation. This spanking totally relieved any stress or tension, and simply focused me on how sore my bottom was becoming. This spanking may have developed a tear in one eye (it did actually).
When Cindy felt she had spanked me sufficiently, I was permitted to standup, where I promptly thanked her.
A look in the mirror showed a fire engine red bottom, with coverage including the top of the back of my thighs.
The love making that commenced shortly thereafter was absolutely amazing, and something that only spankers and spankees into spanking can understand.
The next morning, I was informed in very strong words that Cindy was unhappy how I leave kitchen cupboard doors ajar, and the next one she sees will have me immediately SPANKED!!!!! She stated she had already closed one door three times, and she would stop this behavior with spanking. A annoyed and frustrated Cindy is not someone to mess with, as those spankings are INTENSE, to put it mildly. (PS: I have closed that door carefully since then.
On showering later that day, my bottom was a bright red after the shower, with the flushed red re-appearing. Two days since then, my bottom still reminds of the spanking, as I write this three days after the spanking. Wood makes a lasting impression.
In my youth, these are the type of spanking humor art that i| saw, with imagining that I would be spanking a beautiful woman. Little did I know that I would be the one being spanked strongly by a beautiful woman. (Cindy)
bottoms up
The next day, when Cindy had gone shopping, I placed the wooden bath brush on the spanking chair, and her spanking shoes in front of the chair.
When Cindy returned home, she went about her normal routine, but later called me to the bedroom. No lecture, and this gif is appropriate in demeanor.
" Move the spanking chair out into the middle of the room and bare your bottom!
I helped put Cindy's high heel black leather shoes on, as they raise her knees to keep me easily on her lap.

" I guess someone must be needing this!" and Cindy started off with strong spanks, and I started instantly regretting the choice of that wooden bath brush. It had been a long time since it has been used, and I had forgotten how effective it is for spanking someone's bottom (MINE!!!). Cindy simply spanked away, with strong arm spanks, and plenty of them. I was owwing and yelping, with Cindy only pausing on two occasions to catch her breath, and ask if my arms and shoulders were okay.
(The above photo shows how my feet must have been dancing, but Cindy grasps the bath brush at the far end of the handle, making for a much longer arc and harder spank with wrist action snapping it into your bottom, as shown by the woman in the photo sitting on a chair.)
Cindy has not spanked this strongly in quite sometime, but upon reflection, this is the type of strength she used when I received my three spankings outdoors on vacation. This spanking totally relieved any stress or tension, and simply focused me on how sore my bottom was becoming. This spanking may have developed a tear in one eye (it did actually).
When Cindy felt she had spanked me sufficiently, I was permitted to standup, where I promptly thanked her.
A look in the mirror showed a fire engine red bottom, with coverage including the top of the back of my thighs.
The love making that commenced shortly thereafter was absolutely amazing, and something that only spankers and spankees into spanking can understand.
The next morning, I was informed in very strong words that Cindy was unhappy how I leave kitchen cupboard doors ajar, and the next one she sees will have me immediately SPANKED!!!!! She stated she had already closed one door three times, and she would stop this behavior with spanking. A annoyed and frustrated Cindy is not someone to mess with, as those spankings are INTENSE, to put it mildly. (PS: I have closed that door carefully since then.
On showering later that day, my bottom was a bright red after the shower, with the flushed red re-appearing. Two days since then, my bottom still reminds of the spanking, as I write this three days after the spanking. Wood makes a lasting impression.
In my youth, these are the type of spanking humor art that i| saw, with imagining that I would be spanking a beautiful woman. Little did I know that I would be the one being spanked strongly by a beautiful woman. (Cindy)
bottoms up