The Maid (EndArt)
using more art from EndArtThis would be delightful if botj people enjoyed being spanked the beltStruggling on the knee, but is it only me, or do you see the woman placed on the knee so her pussy is...
View ArticleFantasy Real Life maids
The normal person on spanking websites you see being spanked is usually quite stunningly attractive.This is not the average person that you meet on the street everyday, nor is she or he looking like...
View ArticleMany people ENJOY the WOODEN BATH BRUSH
Thought you would enjoy the title, and the idea that the person using the bath brushis very happy.You can see the joy and smiles as you oww and react to every spankas the motto goes: NEVER LEAVE HOME...
View ArticleHer bath brush smiles
This woman is thrilled from the shock and worry you showed when seeing her sitting on the spanking chair with the bath brush.but my all-time favorite would be this look :A subtle smile, accompanied by...
View ArticleA different take on THE LOOK
This is the after being spanked look. (is he saying that I can expect more of this whenever I misbehave)is this a look of DEFIANCE.Biting her lip, and hoping he will not obtain another implement to...
View Articlethe crop
We have never really used the riding crop, so any advice readers can give would be useful.This photo is one from my early or late teens, and I remember the eroticism that it projected into my...
View ArticleHistory of Sexual Punishment in pictures
The author of this book wrote to me to advertise this new publication. The title is a bit daunting, but the secondary title of 300 years of erotic spanking in pictures is far better. The photos and...
View ArticleSpanked by a friend : DANIELLE
We had many adventures while away, and a number of mistakes also.Visiting Danielle and John was the highlight of the vacation, not because I was spanked, but because they are such wonderful people to...
View ArticleExtremely effectively Spanked before an event
This about says it all for our relationship, at the current time.Being spanked before some event, where Cindy is worried,, whether justifiable or not, that I might do sometihing to embarrass her or...
View ArticleThe next day spanking
The next day, Cindy thought that the previous evening had gone so well, that their was no reason to spank me.This is the dilemma everyone has, and in writing privately with Danielle, she reminded me,...
View Articlebath brush memories
We never leave on vacation without carrying a wooden bath brush with us.Okay dear, bare your bottom and get over my knees and as she rolls up her sleeves, you know she means businessKnowing that you...
View ArticleSubtle hints it is "Discussion time"
How do you know that you are about to have a discussion time?A hint is this phot when you enter the bedroom!Maybe when your wife has called for you to come here please, we have something to discuss,...
View ArticleDancing
Do your feet dance when you are OTK?mine certainly do at times.Whether OTK or on the bedand definitely if the wooden food stirrer is used in the kitchen first thing in the morning. The dance happens as...
View ArticleBLISS - Happy father's Day
For those men who are fortunate to be fathers, and reading this blogMay you experience Bliss todayIt may be given with the handor the bath brush OTKor with you prone on the bed with your bottom raised...
View ArticleSpanked for my drinking
Occasionally, I drink excessively. Cindy has noted that when we are with a certain couple, a bottle of wine is ordered, and the man and I share the bottle. I am fine, but then the other gentleman...
View Articleflash for pleasure
I am a very fortunate man, because I have a wonderful, caring, compassionate, and loving wife.In addition, we have fun, and I ask and Cindy is willing to flash her breasts at meif we are outdoors and...
View ArticleEye contact humor
Humor to help you during the day.I keep trying, but always fail this eye contact test The caption could be very trueWhile on the topic of breasts, they can help save your lifeand really,and...
View ArticleNip slip
Such a delightful little treat:As one woman has said on her tumblrand we might not believe it is accidental Going braless, a woman is aware of what she is wearingand I am certain that they have...
View ArticleINTERNATIONAL No Panty day
Are you up to the challenge?Are you willing to go commando for one Day?Imagine the fun discussions you can have with your girlfriends. Imagine the fun discussion with your boyfriend or husband...
View Articlein Danielle's house
Subtle hints exist around her home to remind John and any visitors to behave.When you first enter the home, you make look one way and admire how beautiful and full of light the house is, but when you...
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