The kitchen has wonderful spanking tools
A switch is always available int he woods
A switch does not even have to be too long, just cover two cheeks
but dear, it is cold out here! Don't worry dear, your bottom will be very hot SOON!
the hood of the car makes a good place to lean on for the spankee
and sometimes, it is two for the price of one...
even the garden has wonderful stakes to use
but, if no other implement is nearby, the hand certainly does the job
and if needed, be creative, and they will certainly behave better in the future
bottoms up
but what to do when outdoors?
Here are some suggestions!
Was she spanked because she wanted to sit down instead of jogging. Now she may not want to sit down.A switch is always available int he woods
A switch does not even have to be too long, just cover two cheeks
but dear, it is cold out here! Don't worry dear, your bottom will be very hot SOON!
the hood of the car makes a good place to lean on for the spankee
and sometimes, it is two for the price of one...
even the garden has wonderful stakes to use
but, if no other implement is nearby, the hand certainly does the job
The hand is mightier than the misbehavior
and never think you can't be spanked outdoors
black and white old photo or simply new using b/w
but, remember if needed, more discipline at home is always a possibility
and pausing while spanking certainly amps up the fears of trepidation on the spankee and never think you can't be spanked outdoors
black and white old photo or simply new using b/w
This certainly appears to be an authentic old photo

and nodenying that these men are enjoying the photo shoot

and if needed, be creative, and they will certainly behave better in the future
bottoms up