Spankings can happen anywhere, and if you do not want the person over your knee:
ere aree a few suggestions
a grea tuse of a table, and she even gets to keep her shoes on for modesty reasons
a desk can really allow the feet to dance, swishing about to the melody of the cane
a love seat used to cane a beautiful seat
The sofa never looked better
keep holdfing that chair, and your bottom out, until I tell you that you can get up
whereas, lying on the chair does present a beautiful target
looking back, in dread, to see what implement he is now picking up to use
bare bottom leaning forward anywhere in the house
the sofa is perfect for when you invite a friend over
and, remember, the spanking is consensual, and sometimes even suggested to alleviate a problem. Cindy once accepted 20 significant spanks with the hairbrush, so she could sit alone one evening ona cruise ship, and finish a book on her ipad, that would be erased at midnight. Additional fun for me, was that it turned out the book was not erased for quite a few days later.
bottoms up
ere aree a few suggestions
a grea tuse of a table, and she even gets to keep her shoes on for modesty reasons
a desk can really allow the feet to dance, swishing about to the melody of the cane
a love seat used to cane a beautiful seat
The sofa never looked better
keep holdfing that chair, and your bottom out, until I tell you that you can get up
whereas, lying on the chair does present a beautiful target
looking back, in dread, to see what implement he is now picking up to use
bare bottom leaning forward anywhere in the house
the sofa is perfect for when you invite a friend over
and, remember, the spanking is consensual, and sometimes even suggested to alleviate a problem. Cindy once accepted 20 significant spanks with the hairbrush, so she could sit alone one evening ona cruise ship, and finish a book on her ipad, that would be erased at midnight. Additional fun for me, was that it turned out the book was not erased for quite a few days later.
bottoms up