Recent events in a city called Kitchener in Ontario, Canada brings this topic once again to our awareness.
In 1991, Guelph student Gwen Jacobs was arrested while walking home from class topless, she was charged with committing an indecent act.
She fought the charge and won the right for all women in Ontario to expose their breasts.
Now, a police officer in the area told three women to cover up recently.
The topic is difficult.
Yes, women should be permitted to go topless, and not be ogled, but that is not the current society we live in.
However, this article is worth reading:
is the nipple partly covered allowed
Facebook removes topless photos of women!
My viewpoint:
Women should be allowed to walk topless, anywhere that men are permitted to walk topless.
However, men will interpret the action as exciting, at least in North America, but not nearly so much in Europe, where topless at the beach is quite normal, and nude beaches are commonplace.
Live and let live, without imposing your standards on everyone.
In terms of spanking:
I have decided to show my bared spanked bottom at times. My bottom used to be much firmer in my youth, as with everyone else. The reason is to show that the spankings are real, and not just models on websites that have beautiful bodies are spanked.
I challenge all other spanking bloggers to post a photo (maybe even regularly) of their spanked bottom, either bare, or while wearing a thong, or see through panties. If you do, send me a link to the post, and I will include it in a future post
.All of our bodies are not fashion model beautiful, but each and everyone of us is beautiful...
bottoms up
In 1991, Guelph student Gwen Jacobs was arrested while walking home from class topless, she was charged with committing an indecent act.
She fought the charge and won the right for all women in Ontario to expose their breasts.
Now, a police officer in the area told three women to cover up recently.

However, this article is worth reading:
is the nipple partly covered allowed
here is Miley Cyrus
Facebook removes topless photos of women!
My viewpoint:
Women should be allowed to walk topless, anywhere that men are permitted to walk topless.
However, men will interpret the action as exciting, at least in North America, but not nearly so much in Europe, where topless at the beach is quite normal, and nude beaches are commonplace.
Live and let live, without imposing your standards on everyone.
I have decided to show my bared spanked bottom at times. My bottom used to be much firmer in my youth, as with everyone else. The reason is to show that the spankings are real, and not just models on websites that have beautiful bodies are spanked.
I challenge all other spanking bloggers to post a photo (maybe even regularly) of their spanked bottom, either bare, or while wearing a thong, or see through panties. If you do, send me a link to the post, and I will include it in a future post
.All of our bodies are not fashion model beautiful, but each and everyone of us is beautiful...
bottoms up