We are totally back to normal! Without great detail Cindy was unhappy because (at times), some clothes she purchases I respond that it is not attractive on her, and she returns them. I feel she is very gullible to a sales person stating that oh! that looks wonderful!, or that is the in style now, when I am not shopping with her. When we shop together, she purchases things that we both think are great.
She came home from the shopping mall, and when I came out of the shower, she was sitting waiting in our bedroom with the leather studded heart shaped paddle. Well, this time I did not have to undress for a spanking.
With just a little lecture that I sometimes undermine her confidence, it was bare bottom over her knee for a strong session of spanks with this implement.
The d... thing wraps, so my whole bottom was well lit up before she was finished.
When permitted to get up, I thanked her, and we carried on with the day. No sex followed this spanking, although I tried to seduce her. Her answer was that sometimes we make love after spanking, and sometimes we don't.
Not in the same manner, but Cindy did rub my bottom and stated she did like the red color on me!
Yes, being spanked when you come out of the shower is a more effective spanking for the same amount of effort on the part of the spanker.
It is a good day whenever you are spanked.
bottoms up
She came home from the shopping mall, and when I came out of the shower, she was sitting waiting in our bedroom with the leather studded heart shaped paddle. Well, this time I did not have to undress for a spanking.
With just a little lecture that I sometimes undermine her confidence, it was bare bottom over her knee for a strong session of spanks with this implement.

When permitted to get up, I thanked her, and we carried on with the day. No sex followed this spanking, although I tried to seduce her. Her answer was that sometimes we make love after spanking, and sometimes we don't.
Not in the same manner, but Cindy did rub my bottom and stated she did like the red color on me!
Yes, being spanked when you come out of the shower is a more effective spanking for the same amount of effort on the part of the spanker.
It is a good day whenever you are spanked.