The emails that I have posted below are real, from two friends I have become acquainted with through my blog.
This is the 4th time we used C.S. to play our spanking game.....whatever the 1st picture portrays we do it.....this is the 4th time my husband has been over my knees for a spanking and he is convinced you and I are planning this Red......It is an awesome game and we thank you for heating up our marriage of over 40 years.
My Reply: Hi Cheryl:
Cheryl's reply:
I seek this so badly I am so excited now writing to you can I share what I seek ??
Cheryl's reply:
I WANT TO BE TAKEN FROM A HOT BATH AND TOWELED OFF GENTLY....then marched into my bedroom and very gently laid across the bed on my tummy with a pillow under my tummy......then
Well, the fun part of spankings is not knowing what will happen, except that you are going to have a very sore bottom.
so, whoever might like to play this game,let me know...
Cheryl tried to post this, but had trouble,s o hope no one else is having trouble posting.
"Love C S and we have developed a ritual where my husband and I pick a day and we open C S and follow what is on the 1st picture......he agreed to this but is upset as he received 4 spankings in a row but we are holding to it and it has put a lot of spark into what was getting to be a dull bedtime. Yes we are seniors and your advice Red had done a lot of our relationship.....we have our date sent for this week so I am prepared to give him a good spanking soon. Love Ya Cheryl"
bottoms up
This is the 4th time we used C.S. to play our spanking game.....whatever the 1st picture portrays we do it.....this is the 4th time my husband has been over my knees for a spanking and he is convinced you and I are planning this Red......It is an awesome game and we thank you for heating up our marriage of over 40 years.
My Reply: Hi Cheryl:
My blog is more about men being spanked, (and me being spanked in particular).
My photos will show stern women, or playful women, about to spank a man, or actually spanking a man.
If you want to be the person being spanked, then you have to give me a heads up, and I will post on the day you state showing a woman being spanked, and if you tell me what position (and or implement) you want to be spanked with, and what clothing or lack of clothing you desire, then you must let me know, and I will try my best to accommodate you.. When you think about it, what are friends for if not to help you be spanked.
so, it is about time you were spanked.
let me know at least one day in advance of when you next propose to check CS.
let me know at least one day in advance of when you next propose to check CS.
bare bottoms up
Cheryl's reply:

a second reply from Cheryl:
Wednesday is the day husband is working on his taxes Monday and Tuesday and told me its is C S at 9am and dinner at 6PM "lets do what is there no matter what I know I will be probably sore again but I will need some fun after taxes" I reinforced his wish and cannot wait. Cheryl
Hi Cheryl:
are we being naughty fixing the deck of cards on your behalf?
Might I take liberties with your request?
What liberties might a take?
Have you ever experienced the cane?
here is a link to a friend who enjoys being caned (mostly)
Heart and Soul: Caned for NaggingCheryl's reply:
I seek this so badly I am so excited now writing to you can I share what I seek ??
Cheryl's reply:
I WANT TO BE TAKEN FROM A HOT BATH AND TOWELED OFF GENTLY....then marched into my bedroom and very gently laid across the bed on my tummy with a pillow under my tummy......then
Well, the fun part of spankings is not knowing what will happen, except that you are going to have a very sore bottom.
so, whoever might like to play this game,let me know...
Cheryl tried to post this, but had trouble,s o hope no one else is having trouble posting.
"Love C S and we have developed a ritual where my husband and I pick a day and we open C S and follow what is on the 1st picture......he agreed to this but is upset as he received 4 spankings in a row but we are holding to it and it has put a lot of spark into what was getting to be a dull bedtime. Yes we are seniors and your advice Red had done a lot of our relationship.....we have our date sent for this week so I am prepared to give him a good spanking soon. Love Ya Cheryl"
bottoms up