Blogger changing it's policy back to adult rated simply makes sense.
One's person porn is another person's cup of tea.
Hermione stated it nicely that her husband thinks her blog, simply about spanking, with no nudity whatsoever, is porn.
but, now really
and meanwhile in Canada the weather is turning balmy, almost up to minus 10
hopefully you are smiling by now
A question: would this have counted as an artistic nude photo for blogger?
and on a last note: I Loved this year's Superbowl outcome, as did this BRADY FAN
and now that blogger has changed their rules
I can post a much better photo of a Brady fan...
bottoms up
One's person porn is another person's cup of tea.
Hermione stated it nicely that her husband thinks her blog, simply about spanking, with no nudity whatsoever, is porn.
but, now really
and meanwhile in Canada the weather is turning balmy, almost up to minus 10
hopefully you are smiling by now
A question: would this have counted as an artistic nude photo for blogger?
and on a last note: I Loved this year's Superbowl outcome, as did this BRADY FAN
and now that blogger has changed their rules
I can post a much better photo of a Brady fan...
when you think about it.....
Okay, maybe I deserve to be spanked, and Cindy is thinking that left cheek is not yet shining enough
bottoms up