There are some new products on the kinky market. When we were in Fort Lauderdale, we visited the HUSTLER store, which has been revamped such as to be attractive for men and women to browse, whether together or separately
Many of us grew up looking at Bettie Paige pictures, so here are a few for your enjoyment.
Bettie both spanked, and was spanked
Photos of BDSM were also prevalent
what a lovely target,
for more Bettie Paige photos click on the link
One last word: It's a SPANKING IMPLEMENT: it is supposed to cause discimfort.. and much much more
bottoms up
This remodeling was needed, as the store was grungy previously. An attractive sex shop makes customers feel welcome, and they have knowledgeable staff to explain various items in the store. We saw other couples, and a group of youngish women who were obviously purchasing things for a bachelorette party ( or maybe just one fun time with friends)

We decided to purchase this paddle, which is two sided. One has a material side, so that it will simply produce an erotic sting.
The other side has a picture of Bettie on it, and is capable of maximizing the sensation of each spank (that is:: you really feel it).
What is hilarious is that it states :discontinue use if discomfort occurs. Well, that is the purpose for everyone, even new people trying out giving or receiving a kinky spanking.
We used this for a few spanks on Cindy's bottom (the cloth side) and for many spanks on the Bettie pictured side. With wrist action, which Cindy used, it was very effective.
Cindy used it twice while on board our ship, and once in our hotel room. I had also brought the heart shaped metal studded paddle, and a wooden hairbrush, so discomfort would be a mild word for my bare bottom over the knee, or bending at the waist spankings. Each of the spankings was memorable, at least until the sting and soreness left.
The price was reasonable, as being retired, and the children married and on their own, it seems reasonable to indulge my kink now and then. This is ideal for beginners, and with a little concerted effort, great for regular spankings.
Bettie both spanked, and was spanked

what a lovely target,

for more Bettie Paige photos click on the link

I do not think Cindy has ever spanked me with pants on, and only for a brief time while wearing underwear before the underwear is lowered!!!!
A determined woman certainly is a force to be reckoned with, and obeyed

This new implement was effective
One last word: It's a SPANKING IMPLEMENT: it is supposed to cause discimfort.. and much much more
bottoms up