A somewhat different take on what has become a very romantic day!
What do you know about Saint Valentine? Did you know that...
or expressed in more detail
One must remember though, if you do not give flowers or chocolate or celebrate your love with your partner...
She might just dress in red, happily show the cane she will use on your bottom
For spanksters, this might be reason enough to ignore St. Valentine's day, but if you choose to do so, after your spanking, give her the displays of affection that were expected.
But if it is the woman who loves to be spanked...
Be certain to give her exactly what she desires, whether over the knee on the couch
or she might be bending over a chair
and if she poses for a picture of her red bottom
you will be thrilled when she smiles at the camera
bottoms up
What do you know about Saint Valentine? Did you know that...
or expressed in more detail
One must remember though, if you do not give flowers or chocolate or celebrate your love with your partner...
She might just dress in red, happily show the cane she will use on your bottom
and when she is finished, your bottom will be as red as her dress

But if it is the woman who loves to be spanked...
Be certain to give her exactly what she desires, whether over the knee on the couch
or bare bottom while you sit comfortably on a chair

you will be thrilled when she smiles at the camera
bottoms up