The ideas being expressed here are from, a site I recommend everyone join for health related tips daily. However, the photos are of my own way of thinking!
1. Watching Rear Window, Not When Harry Met Sally
Flicks that get your heart pumping or your belly laughing do more for your love life than those that calm you down. That's because things that arouse, rather than suppress, your heart rate and cardiovascular system significantly enhance sexual response. So yes, a zip-lining date or even a short run may do more for you between the sheets than another round of golf.How to get your heart pumping!
2. Talking : We don't mean just pillow talk. Keeping the lines of communication open between you and your partner at all times can be a potent aphrodisiac. Intimacy isn't just about what happens between the sheets. It's also about understanding each other's moods, desires, and likes. Being in sync with your partner? Now that's sexy. It's never too late to start:
Understand the MOOD!
3: Filling Up on These Fruits: Healthful foods in general keep your body working better, which keeps your sex life in good working order, too. But some foods seem to give your love life a little extra oomph. Try figs. They're rich in amino acids that may set your desire afire. Or, if you're a guy, eat more bananas. They contain bromelain, an enzyme thought to boost male libido.
laughter is always healthy and this is one banana worth eating
4. Eating: These Stalks Asparagus and celery can also help with the horizontal tango. Asparagus is rich in vitamin E, which is essential for hormone-building, and celery contains androsterone, a hormone released in male sweat that turns women on (Seriously. It's been tested.).
This is a great horizontal tango
5: Drinking Ginseng Tea:When scientists reviewed a group of studies that looked at the sexual-healing powers of various foods, plants, and herbs, ginseng demonstrated some real potential. Red ginseng contains little compounds called ginsenosides, which may help with arousal in both men and women.
Fluids are always necessary for good health
6: Doing the Little Workout with Big Benefits:For men, nature's Viagra may come in the form of pelvic-floor exercises. Women have long used pelvic exercises for a variety of problems. Recent research found that when men with erectile dysfunction did exercises that strengthen pelvic-floor muscles, about 40% of them regained normal function after 6 months
Bending over strengthens the core!
dancing about is great exercise after being spanked7. Keeping the TV On: Now that you know how to make things a little steamier in the bedroom, it's good to know what can easily put the kibosh on getting hot and heavy. Turn off the TV for starters. TV viewing is associated with an increased prevalence of erectile dysfunction. And really, when's the last time Conan put you in the mood? Hit the off button. Even better: Don't let a TV into the bedroom to begin with
set the mood in the bedroom
lots of action and thrills without the tvToo Many Toasts: Beer goggles happen. But while one drink may loosen you up, get you in the mood, and make the sort-of cute person next to you look a little bit like a rock star, too much alcohol diminishes sexual performance and response. In other words, neither giving nor receiving will be as good -- and, in some cases, you might not even be able to give. So nurse the conversation when you go out, not another glass of Beaujolais.
Talk about the great photo you took in front of BUCKINGHAM PALACE9. Unhealthy Habits
Obesity, high blood sugar, and clogged arteries mess with your love life as well as with your ability to enjoy a long and healthy life. Clean up your act (and maybe get some action?) the easy way,a serious study showed that 99.99% of men did NOT see the mouse on the donut... did you see it?
10. Taking Some Meds
Certain medications, such as antidepressants, antihistamines, chemotherapy, and drug treatments for high blood pressure, may contribute to erectile dysfunction in men, and reduce sexual desire and increase vaginal dryness in women. Don't just live with it, ask your doctor about possible solutions.One solution might be to spank the nurses in the office
live long and be happy, and spank or be spanked often
bottoms up