I have finally found a gif of our heart shaped studded leather paddle in action
It was put to good use yesterday, in our house, and let me tell you that I was reacting far more than the gentleman above. Of course, this might just be the first two spanks, as his bottom does NOT appear to have any redness.
You can see, however, how nastily it wraps won the far cheek when spanked, and thus how effective it is when wrapping into the crack when spanking the cheek nearest to the spanker.
First, a little cornertime was scheduled, for me to ponder what was to occur, and set the correct tone.
The spanking was given simply because on had been given for a while, and as we are going away soon, best give some reminders of being always friendly and never let impatient grow.
This spanking started with the above paddle, and had me yipping and owwing almost immediately, and lasted for quite some time. I am having a little trouble with one shoulder, so we moved from chair to bed, so that I was prone over Cindy's knee, and the spanking recommenced with Cindy refreshed and eager. My feet were dancing before she finally stopped, but it was then on to "old reliable".
This is a very heavy hard wood paddle, from the defunct dwc website, and I was very vocal with each and every spank. Cindy went easier by not lifting her arm high, but she was able to give stronger wrist action spanks with follow through.
It was once again my love/hate moment. Everything I love about spanking was happening, but it is far nicer to dream about than actually be owwing for real, not for show. OWWing and moving ones feet are reactionary. I have no control over them whatsoever, and Cindy fortunately looks upon them as a show of approval on my part for her efforts.
When the spanking finally ended, I was permitted to look at my red bottom, and it was fiercely red everywhere, matching my red tee-shirt that I had been wearing. My bottom was this red, and with this much coverage of red, but just an older person than this young man.
We then proceeded to kiss and cuddle, and made absolutely mind blowing love with mind blowing orgasms. Far superior orgasms to when we were younger and first married, where we did not know the triggers that truly work for each other, and now no longer have the timidity of being quiet as not knowing what words might turn our partner on even more, nor after a few years of marriage and being quiet so thew kids do not hear.
Life is wonderful, and the spanking lasted longer than it took to type this post, and |I am a slow typer.