If one ever needed reassurance that spanking exists between consenting adults, and is a extremely popular, the plethora of spanking blogs and tumblrs and wordpress, besides pay sites should remove all doubts.
My little site predominantly involves men being spanked by women, as I am spanked by my wife, far more often than she is spanked...
Using a site called www.statcounter.com, and not actually using it when I first started this blog, statcounter states that this blog has surpassed the 5,000,000 mark for page views.
My humble thanks to everyone that drops by, whether daily, often, occasinaly, seldom, or first timers... I can always wish more leave comments, but what the heck, seeing these numbers always encourages me to keep posting...
Plus, finding new pictures throughout the web is entertaining to say the least...
so, bottoms up to all of you...
May all your desires to spank
My little site predominantly involves men being spanked by women, as I am spanked by my wife, far more often than she is spanked...
Using a site called www.statcounter.com, and not actually using it when I first started this blog, statcounter states that this blog has surpassed the 5,000,000 mark for page views.
My humble thanks to everyone that drops by, whether daily, often, occasinaly, seldom, or first timers... I can always wish more leave comments, but what the heck, seeing these numbers always encourages me to keep posting...
Plus, finding new pictures throughout the web is entertaining to say the least...
so, bottoms up to all of you...
May all your desires to spank
or be spanked
or both come true, whether it is opposite or same sex, have fun...thanks