Some fun tumblrs where caution is truly thrown to the wind!
We have happily made love in the great outdoors, in what hopefully were secluded areas
The advantages of today's phones are you can take your own videos of the event
but never on a city street
We must admit that one time Cindy initiated oral, and had me sit on a bench, very far in on a trail on a very quiet day, with only one other car in the parking lot where we parked. Part way into the BJ, we heard a couple make noise from just around the bend, and we stopped immediately. I am quite certain the couple must have seen, and then retreated around the bend.
to our unknowing surprise, there was a second entrance just 40 yards from where we were! OOPS1
Have you ever had sex outdoors?
This is not us, but on trails like this we have also indulged ourselves quite a few times.
It goes without saying that almost every time i have also satisfied Cindy orally!
and of course, we have had intercourse outdoors in national parks
Fun times on Ben Nevis in Scotland, by simply parking on the side of the road, a hiking up a little
Once on a black sand beach in Hawaii, with Cindy holding on to a solid branch, and me supporting her .
Then again, about two minutes after we finished, and were all attired, a family drove up and walked onto the beach. Glad they were two minutes late.
Another time at the top of a hillside with a lookout, where the trail up is quite a long way, on a quiet day with no one around, and then people showing up just a bit after we finished, from a quicker different direction .
Have you had intercourse outdoors?
We did try a hot tub once, and although fun, Cindy ended up with a urinary infection. Not fun. When you think about it, all those chemicals entering the body. Yuch!
better this way?
Life is to be enjoyed, and lived to the fullest!
bottoms up