I cannot think of a more loving way to celebrate Valentine's Day, than the spanker spanking their loved one on this special day..
How better to say "I Love You", after making the spankee's bottom a bright red! Really, you would not be spanking them if you did not love them.
However, if you remember once upon a time Cindy and I did the twelve days of Christmas, where on each progressive day, I was spanked with a new implement, and each of the previous days spanks with their appropriate implement.
So, maybe, here might be a new challenge that you can adapt to your liking!
As Valentine's Day is on the 14Th of February,
- choose fourteen different implements
- use each implement for fourteen spanks
- and as we are usually awake for 16 hours, but busy with meals for two hours of the day
- on each hour, have the spankee present a different implement to their Valentine, and their bare bottom, for fourteen spanks, as the date is the 14th.
- I am thinking the kitchen stove timer is perfect to set for 60 minutes, so nobody forgets, or loses track.
When we get up, we will set the timer, and 60 minutes from then, I will be presenting a spanking implement for Cindy to use.
The spanker will have the discretion to how significantly hard each spank will be when given.
Expect a hot, bright red and sore bottom by the end of the day!
SO, ARE YOU GAME TO PLAY????????????