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Married Life (the progression of implements - Part 4a)


 As spanking becomes acceptable in your marriage, you will find that the spankee's bottom begins to adapt to being spanked.

When we first started, a hand spanking was significant, both to have me erotically aroused, and somewhat disciplinary.

but the spanker will need a hand of stone
or a lot of patience to really be effective

Spankings will then progress to the wooden hair brush

Used strongly, and for many many spanks
your partner will start to dance with his or her feet

and then use it quickly while maintaining the strength of each spank

As time progresses, though, your bottom will need either a bigger hair brush, or, as many couples have found:


This implement will remain useful for many, 

many  years. 

Cindy is quite happy to use the wooden bath brush

and raising it high to bring it down with strength (yikes)

my bottom has looked like this next photo, many, many times

and it is so effective Cindy rarely gets tired while using it

The key ingredients are its length, which makes a more effective spank with the force of the wrist action, and that it is usually thinker wood, and a larger surface that is spanking you than most hair brushes/.

Spankings have helped our marriage significantly, and are specially helpful during this era of our lives with quarantines.

Part One: reflection #1  (I wish we had started day one of our marriage)  https://consensualspanking.blogspot.com/2020/09/married-life-part-one.html

Point two: All it takes is a simple look to know you have crossed some line that SHOULD NOT  BE CROSSED, and you will be spanked! https://consensualspanking.blogspot.com/2020/10/married-life-part-2.html

Part Three: https://consensualspanking.blogspot.com/2020/10/married-life-lecture-part-3.html

bottoms up

remember to go for a walk in the woods


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