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little spankings

To all that use spankings as a way of life, it comes as no surprise that Cindy often picks up an implement in the kitchen and uses it on my bare bottom.

Simply, she is annoyed at something I have done, not upset, just annoyed, and vents her disapproval by having me bare my bottom, and bend over the kitchen counter.

Today was no exception, but it happened twice in the space of ten minutes, before we had lunch.

First time she used a large wooden soup ladle, and was quite pleased with it's effectiveness!

This was determined by my reactions of squirming and changing from bending over to standing upright, on my toes, and being told to bend over and put my bottom back out so she can spank it.....

and then she really laid on a number of spanks.... and when finished, remarked how wonderfully effective this soup ladle is...

When finished, I thanked her for spanking me. We hugged and she went back to making lunch...

Five minutes later, as I put one soup on the table, and before coming back for the other bowl, she stated: come here: bare your bottom, and picked up the soup stirrer and spanked away again, informing me that she is fed up that I do not wait until she is sitting at the table before starting to eat...

Again, when she stopped spanking, I thanked her for the spanking...

We had lunch, and about two or so hours later, my bottom still displays some red..so Cindy was certainly effective... My bottom was well tenderized about a week ago...

so, be they little or be they significantly more intense..

every spanking helps dissolve a problem

and re-affirm our love in our own unique way...

try it, you and your partner may well like it...

bottoms up

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