Do you get little, but significant spankings between major spankings?
Yesterday, had me not eating over a plate, and thus a spanking ensued. I had earlier finished dinner, but while helping to clean up, grabbed the last piece of delicious bread, and ate it while removing dishes from the table etc. Actually, I made a point of each bite being over the sink, but that had no effect on Cindy being annoyed.
If you want to eat that, then take a plate!
More hard spanks to make the point that this can never happen.
How often do you have these little spankings?
bottoms up
Yesterday, had me not eating over a plate, and thus a spanking ensued. I had earlier finished dinner, but while helping to clean up, grabbed the last piece of delicious bread, and ate it while removing dishes from the table etc. Actually, I made a point of each bite being over the sink, but that had no effect on Cindy being annoyed.
If you want to eat that, then take a plate!
End result, bare bottom, somewhat bending over the counter in the kitchen, while a good dose of strong spanks were given by a wooden kitchen implement. Not certain what to call it, so might take a picture eventually. Long, half of it oval, and packs a wallop. Part way through the spanking, Cindy remembered that I also had taken a scoop of peanut butter out of the jar, but did not see some had landed on the floor a previous day.
More hard spanks to make the point that this can never happen.
How often do you have these little spankings?
bottoms up