Well, in a recent post one might describe the tumblrs as Hard Core.
I might go as far as to say they were men created tumblrs. This collection has mostly very erotic, sensual sites, and many are created by women.
These are still sensitive material according to tumblr, and still have some hard core, but a lot more sensual things. Maybe created by women, but many created by more sensitive men.
Outdoor women doing outdoor things (by a man)
It just depends on the day you click the link to them and see what is there
bottoms up
I might go as far as to say they were men created tumblrs. This collection has mostly very erotic, sensual sites, and many are created by women.
These are still sensitive material according to tumblr, and still have some hard core, but a lot more sensual things. Maybe created by women, but many created by more sensitive men.
Outdoor women doing outdoor things (by a man)
The above one is not censored
another non-sensitive tumblr
I enjoy this one also, because she has a sense of humor, and can be refreshingly sarcastic.
bottoms up