When your wife calls you to come here please, and you walk into the room, What expression does your wife have when she sees your shocked reaction
1. A delighted smile
2. a smirk (you really thought you would get away with that behavior smirk on her face)
3. Sad look (really, you were not expecting to be spanked?)
4. Yes dear look (you will be spanked before we go out)
5. puzzled and annoyed (why are you not baring your bottom instantly)
6. Serious (Yes, this spanking you are going to regret you ever suggested being spanked to me)
7. Delighted and satisfied and really pleased by your reaction of Worry as you see that ominous wooden paddle, plus the cane for waiting for after the paddling
bottoms up
1. A delighted smile
2. a smirk (you really thought you would get away with that behavior smirk on her face)
3. Sad look (really, you were not expecting to be spanked?)
4. Yes dear look (you will be spanked before we go out)
5. puzzled and annoyed (why are you not baring your bottom instantly)
6. Serious (Yes, this spanking you are going to regret you ever suggested being spanked to me)
7. Delighted and satisfied and really pleased by your reaction of Worry as you see that ominous wooden paddle, plus the cane for waiting for after the paddling
what is the usual expression:
your wife has before spanking you?
bottoms up