Not certain when I found this on tumblr (or where I found it if elsewhere). If you created it, lwt me know to post a link.
In a CONSENSUAL SPANKING RELATIONSHIP, the spankee has given up the right to object to a spanking.
Cindy does not spank me immediately in the morning, until I have moved around a bit and stretched out my back by every day movements. Thus, no straining or spasming of the back. this only takes one to three minutes after I am up. Anytime afterwards my bottom can be bared immediately.
A woman should never have to say the last half of this caption from
bottoms up
In a CONSENSUAL SPANKING RELATIONSHIP, the spankee has given up the right to object to a spanking.
- If the spanker has determined a spanking is needed, then it will be given
- The spanker does not need any reason whatsoever to give a spanking
- The spankee must always thank the spanker for the spanking after the spanking has ended
- If the spankee wants to discuss the reasona afterwards, it better be done very submissively
Cindy does not spank me immediately in the morning, until I have moved around a bit and stretched out my back by every day movements. Thus, no straining or spasming of the back. this only takes one to three minutes after I am up. Anytime afterwards my bottom can be bared immediately.
A woman should never have to say the last half of this caption from
What are your thoughts?
bottoms up