Captioned photos or captioned art permit you to focus on some important thoughts
Many spankees enjoy everything about a spanking, except maybe the time when spanks are landing significantly hard and rapidly.
Thus the DILEMNA: Do we sometimes misbehave deliberately .to be spanked?
Do you do something: be sassy, talk back, raise you rvoice, shout, or some other reaction (too many to list) just to be spanked.
Thus, should discipline spankings be much stronger than a normal spanking?
Long and slowly with a wooden Bath Brush
Happily with a strap making the legs dance
strongly with a slipper
Audrey's method of intensity and speed
I have never seen a light spanking given my Ms Audrey Knight
bottoms up
Many spankees enjoy everything about a spanking, except maybe the time when spanks are landing significantly hard and rapidly.
Thus the DILEMNA: Do we sometimes misbehave deliberately .to be spanked?
Do you do something: be sassy, talk back, raise you rvoice, shout, or some other reaction (too many to list) just to be spanked.
Thus, should discipline spankings be much stronger than a normal spanking?
Long and slowly with a wooden Bath Brush
Happily with a strap making the legs dance
strongly with a slipper
Audrey's method of intensity and speed
I have never seen a light spanking given my Ms Audrey Knight
bottoms up