Sometimes you screw up, and an argument ensues where you both raise your voices. This happened today.
After having calmed down, I sent Cindy a email with this title. the message was
I apologize
After having calmed down, I sent Cindy a email with this title. the message was
I apologize
above captioned photo from
Cindy accepted my apology, and the suggested solution.
Bare bottomed, OTK, for a long dose of sound spanks with the short tawse. The spanks were in flurries of maybe eight to ten, and caused my feet to rise, and my knees to bend the feet upward to the sky. I grunted and ooowwed as a flurry was given, then a pause. Resumption , with another flurry of maybe ten spanks. my identical response. This movement of my legs made the back of the top of my thighs a wonderful target for the tawse also.
After three or four flurries, then the questioning and response time. It took a few flurries for all the right answers to be given.
Why was I being spanked?
Because we had had an argument!
Flurry of spanks
Why are you being spanked?
Because I raised my voice!
Flurry of spanks
Why are you being spanked?
because I should have started the discussion in a way where we did not get upset
Flurry of spanks
By now, at least fifty or more with that short tawse, when Cindy stated:
The answer is because I love you!
Why are you being spanked?
Because you love me.
Yes, and flurry of spanks.
We must not argue, and we must not lose our temper or raise our voice.!
Yes, dear.
Okay, you can get up now and hand me the cane.
Yes, dear
Bending over at the waist, hands on the seat of the chair, many strokes were given with the cane, in flurries, with strength, and a few questions to review why I was being spanked.
After many, Cindy was worried that my wrists might be under too much stress in this positon, or I stood bent only slightly over the tall back of the chair, and the last numerous strokes were given , some higher up that had been white until then.
When told my spanking was finished, i thanked Cindy, and we cuddled. There was at least one tear in each eye, and Cindy expressed a little bit of worry, but I said it was fine, and I realize it may happen when you give me a sound spanking.
All is well now, and we are both smiling, although my bottom is quite on FIRE!!!!
bottoms up
humor for the UK.