Our life is quite wonderful, but I need to be spanked regularly to help smooth out the rough edges.
Cindy is always willing to satisfy my need, along with her need.
Thus, music up loud, and the bath brush walloping away helped immensely.
One little sidelight is that later the next day Cindy heard the tv next door, and remarked that my spankings could possibly be heard. I agreed with her. Today we we’re entering our room when our neighbors were exiting theirs, and these are people she had talked with at trivia one day. OOPS
Obviously, no mention was made, but who knows what they may have heard. My only suggestion was that Cindy talk loudly when she pauses the spanking, so that anyone listening would know that she is the spanker.
Bottoms up
Cindy is always willing to satisfy my need, along with her need.
Thus, music up loud, and the bath brush walloping away helped immensely.
One little sidelight is that later the next day Cindy heard the tv next door, and remarked that my spankings could possibly be heard. I agreed with her. Today we we’re entering our room when our neighbors were exiting theirs, and these are people she had talked with at trivia one day. OOPS
Obviously, no mention was made, but who knows what they may have heard. My only suggestion was that Cindy talk loudly when she pauses the spanking, so that anyone listening would know that she is the spanker.
Bottoms up