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spanked twice in one day

This happened while we still were at home. We are currently traveling, but I wrote it before we left.

We had a small disagreement, this morning, about clothes to take away for the vacation. Cindy is clear on what she wants to take, which is minimalist, whereas I suggest she take more for variety. I suggest things that look nice, without considering what it would be worn with, or the sleeve length of the tee shirt or blouse.

Bottom line. Cindy is annoyed. A short while after we stopped I suggested that Cindy spank me so that she could get over her annoyance. She readily agreed. Bare bottomed, over her knee while she sat propped up on the bed. Many strong spanks with the bath brush, and two strong red spots on my sit spot when she was finished. 
All was well again. Later she asked: " Did you thank me, and I have to admit I was uncertain." As neither of us were certain, Cindy let it go.

Later in the day, we ordered a present for a grandchild on amazon, and that is always a difficult thing for us. I am reading one thing, and Cindy is reading another, and telling me where to click which does not always make sense. Cindy somehow gets uptight and nervous, which is ridiculous. We accomplished the task, but were grumpy after the fact.

Later, I suggested to Cindy that one of us should be spanked for the difficulty using Amazon, and I offered my bottom. Cindy immediately agreed. The immediacy was quite astonishing!

Bare bottomed, hands on the bed, bent at the waist, many strokes withRonnie's (da*n) cane,  with pauses to ask if my arms were okay, am I tightening my stomach muscles, are my hands okay. Cindy does not use it strongly, but each stroke causes a involuntary out breath for me. Another pause to ask if I am breathing, which I replied yes. After a number more strokes, Cindy decided I should be prone on the bed (notice how I avoided the spelling of lieing (lying) on the bed) to ease my arms and specifically my hands. 
(Nicer to look at her bottom than mine)

Bare bottomed, over two pillows, bottom raised a number of strokes of extra strength before the spanking was finished. All is well. I definitely thanked Cindy for the spanking, no point in earning the trifecta in one day.

We later talked about how this should not be stressful, as opposed to driving to the mall, walking to the store, wandering the store, purchasing something, driving home, wrapping it, driving to the post office, and paying to have it delivered.

Spankings work for stress relief, and behavior management

We will be walking the beach front in Fort Lauderdale, if you read this the day it is posted.

bottoms up


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