This is a wonderful caption, that is very true in many households
We personally know this couple, and she has also spanked me. We started communicating a very long time ago, when she started searching the internet, and came across my
He had introduced spanking into their relationship, and she was searching about men being spanked, and I happily encouraged her that it was equally fine for a woman to spank her man.
She never looked backwards after that, and although she was occasionally spanked, he was and is spanked much more often, and I think he is the only one that is spanked.
Do you think, that:
your thoughts
Personally, I think I do sometimes with out knowing I am doing it.
too good to resist
He had introduced spanking into their relationship, and she was searching about men being spanked, and I happily encouraged her that it was equally fine for a woman to spank her man.
She never looked backwards after that, and although she was occasionally spanked, he was and is spanked much more often, and I think he is the only one that is spanked.
Do you think, that:
SUBCONSCIO|USLY, you misbehave.
just to be spanked?
your thoughts
Personally, I think I do sometimes with out knowing I am doing it.
too good to resist
bottoms up