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Abby's Meme

I have rarely seen a man answering a meme, but decided I should start doing them occasionally. This one comes from ronnie  http://ronniesoul.blogspot.com/2017/03/abbys-meme.html , who found the Meme on Abby's site    Abby's Meme
1.  Early bird or night person?  
Night owl. Usually 11:30 or later, but Cindy likes to go to bed earlier.

2.  Vanilla, chocolate or strawberry?

vanilla chocolate chip ice cream

3.  Summer or Winter?

 4.  Hearty breakfast or just coffee? 
Normal breakfast every morning, oatmeal with strawberries, blueberries,  raspberries and cinnamon, with a cup of coffee.

5.  Bright or muted colors? 
Bright colors, specially orange  and yellow during the summer time, black jeans.

6.  Pie or cake? 
Both are wonderful, so depends on what type

7.  Seaside vacation or fun in a big resort or city? 

I love anywhere warm by the ocean (not big resorts) 
but enjoy city visits.  We are on a  transatlantic cruise soon, and then will spend two weeks traveling around a specific area of France visiting Giverny, Versailles, Disneyland, and then Normandy

8.  Dog or cat lover?  
Neither, they would limit our vacationing.

9.  Short or long hair? 

I have short hair now but have had hair down to my shoulders, and a full large beard in my earlier years.

10.  Leather or wood? 

Leather gives more sting, wood gives more depth, so both in the same spanking.

11.  Baseball or football fan? 
NFL  and FIFA World Cup soccer

12.  Spa day or a day shopping with a friend? 


13.  Live concert or movie? 

Live concert, or Netflix. BEST MUSICAL EVENT EVER ATTENDED; WOODSTOCK (the original)


14.  Wrap a gift with paper and bow or use a gift bag?  
I wrap Christmas presents only.

15.  Help build a snowman or stay inside and make the hot chocolate?
Build a snowman.

16. Four seasons or California climate
Hate to disillusion you, but depending where, California has four seasons. Prefer winter to go skiing, then head for warmer climates

17.  Driver or passenger? 

18.  Pajamas's or a night gown? 

Pajamas, although very very occasionally I wear a long man's nightgown.

19.  Bake a cake or go to your favorite bakery?
Bakery... My only cooking prowess is boiling New England lobster, with corn and bread, and lots of chardonaay.

20.  Theatre night...musical or drama?  


Fun to do, but definitely geared for a woman...
The problem does not exist... if you remember the saying Use it or Lose it...

bottoms up

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