The mysteries of computers can confound you, and a little mistake is always possible. We quite often take a picture of my bottom after it has been spanked, that i then post on my blog. I always use the paint program to re-size them, so as the file is not too large. A 4 or 5 megabyte photo is unnecessary.
What I believe happened is that I had not closed the photo in Paint, and thus while sitting at the computer talking about a booking for a cruise, the screen went into screensaver mode, and my spanked bottom was the picture that appeared on the screen. Cindy was horrified, and FURIOUS! i was quite astonished, and mortified.
What if a friend, or a grandchild, or family member, or simply anyone was here at the time?
The spanking happened the next day, and Cindy made certain it would be memorable. She sat on the spanking chair, and she requested something leather, and something wooden. (The short tawse, and the bath brush)
First a lecture of how awful having the picture appear on the screen. The tawse was then used, for a very long time. My feet were dancing, and i was owwwing. The tawse was used repetitively on one cheek then the other, so it was either diving into the crack,or wrapping somewhat on the far cheek. As the spanking progressed, I concentrated on keeping my legs tightly together, as that tawse spanking low was not going to hit anything else except my bottom. It felt like the tawse was spanking high, but the photo shows that the top part of my bottom was untouched. This must be due to my position over Cindy's knees.
When Cindy eventually stopped, she immediately picked up the wooden bath brush, and gave many sharp spanks to the meaty part of my bottom.
When permitted to rise, I thanked Cindy for the spanking, and after a couple of pictures, we had a most passionate love making session.
The room ws getting quite dark, but no flash was used as it dulls the red
Spankings solve the problem, sex is an added treat.
My bottom was pink this morning, and significantly red after a shower. It is sore to sit on today.
bottoms up
What I believe happened is that I had not closed the photo in Paint, and thus while sitting at the computer talking about a booking for a cruise, the screen went into screensaver mode, and my spanked bottom was the picture that appeared on the screen. Cindy was horrified, and FURIOUS! i was quite astonished, and mortified.
What if a friend, or a grandchild, or family member, or simply anyone was here at the time?
The spanking happened the next day, and Cindy made certain it would be memorable. She sat on the spanking chair, and she requested something leather, and something wooden. (The short tawse, and the bath brush)
First a lecture of how awful having the picture appear on the screen. The tawse was then used, for a very long time. My feet were dancing, and i was owwwing. The tawse was used repetitively on one cheek then the other, so it was either diving into the crack,or wrapping somewhat on the far cheek. As the spanking progressed, I concentrated on keeping my legs tightly together, as that tawse spanking low was not going to hit anything else except my bottom. It felt like the tawse was spanking high, but the photo shows that the top part of my bottom was untouched. This must be due to my position over Cindy's knees.
When Cindy eventually stopped, she immediately picked up the wooden bath brush, and gave many sharp spanks to the meaty part of my bottom.
When permitted to rise, I thanked Cindy for the spanking, and after a couple of pictures, we had a most passionate love making session.
Spankings solve the problem, sex is an added treat.
My bottom was pink this morning, and significantly red after a shower. It is sore to sit on today.
bottoms up