I enjoy pegging, but we do it only infrequently, like maybe once or twice a year. Obviously, it is consensual, so can be discussed gently and lovingly. it could be introduced as an experiment.
It is a submissive act, but a very enjoyable one.
Of course, it can be done with a feigned (or real) dominant attitude
Have you ever been pegged?
Do you like it if you have been pegged?
IF you have never been pegged, would you like to be pegged?
bottoms up

Positioned properly, you are part of the activity, and a active participant
and yes, i have climaxed while being pegged Of course, it can be done with a feigned (or real) dominant attitude
Have you ever been pegged?
Do you like it if you have been pegged?
IF you have never been pegged, would you like to be pegged?
bottoms up