Well, Christmas stress seems to run supreme at times in Cindy. This is being written on the 15th, and we have almost all presents purchased, half of them wrapped, all Christmas cards written and sent, and the outside decorations up, and the tree goes up today....
One trip to the bookstore and all will be done... except for the stress Cindy feels.
About three days ago, she was being so totally unreasonable, that I took her by the hand, walked into the living room, sat on the sofa, and proceeded to lower her jeans, and guide her over my knee. It goes without saying that she was telling me she didn't approve, that this was not consensual, that we have too much to do... and so on.
Aside: In our consensual spanking arrangement, Cindy has only once volunteered to be spanked. She has agreed that sometimes she should be spanked, but that is only when no spanking reason is in sight. Her protests are neither loud, nor does she struggle to get away from me, but simply co-operates while denying that she should be spanked.
I repeated to her that her stress is out of control, and reminded her that she had written a letter to me last year, stating that she would Briefly, she stated that I could do the shopping, and wrapping, and she would help when asked... She promised to stick to this, and to remember to have fun.
As I lowered her panties, I asked her if she was having fun....
The spanking was a hand spanking, only about fifteen spanks, some harder than others, with a pause after every four or five, and a review of the recent happenings that lead her to be over my knee being spanked. One time she stated "that's enough", which caused a few more quick sharp spanks, to remind her which one of us was currently in charge at the moment, and who was being spanked.
After I believed she had relaxed a little, I stated she could now get up. Very begrudgingly, she looked me in the eye and stated thank you for the spanking. We might have to work on that next time...
All has gone much smoother ever since, but, as you can imagine, I have been spanked two days in a row since then. which I will post in a day or two.
We are both far calmer, to be able to ENJOY the Christmas Season.
A suggestion: even if you are the person who is exclusively spanked, if your partner is stressing to much, you should suggest it is time they were mildly spanked to de-stress them.As an added benefit, you will be spanked soon afterwards, because the normal roles of spanker and spankee will need to be EMPATHICALLY RE-ESTABLISHED!
Actually, if never takes long to put the tree up...
One trip to the bookstore and all will be done... except for the stress Cindy feels.
About three days ago, she was being so totally unreasonable, that I took her by the hand, walked into the living room, sat on the sofa, and proceeded to lower her jeans, and guide her over my knee. It goes without saying that she was telling me she didn't approve, that this was not consensual, that we have too much to do... and so on.
Aside: In our consensual spanking arrangement, Cindy has only once volunteered to be spanked. She has agreed that sometimes she should be spanked, but that is only when no spanking reason is in sight. Her protests are neither loud, nor does she struggle to get away from me, but simply co-operates while denying that she should be spanked.
I repeated to her that her stress is out of control, and reminded her that she had written a letter to me last year, stating that she would Briefly, she stated that I could do the shopping, and wrapping, and she would help when asked... She promised to stick to this, and to remember to have fun.
As I lowered her panties, I asked her if she was having fun....
The spanking was a hand spanking, only about fifteen spanks, some harder than others, with a pause after every four or five, and a review of the recent happenings that lead her to be over my knee being spanked. One time she stated "that's enough", which caused a few more quick sharp spanks, to remind her which one of us was currently in charge at the moment, and who was being spanked.
After I believed she had relaxed a little, I stated she could now get up. Very begrudgingly, she looked me in the eye and stated thank you for the spanking. We might have to work on that next time...

We are both far calmer, to be able to ENJOY the Christmas Season.
A suggestion: even if you are the person who is exclusively spanked, if your partner is stressing to much, you should suggest it is time they were mildly spanked to de-stress them.As an added benefit, you will be spanked soon afterwards, because the normal roles of spanker and spankee will need to be EMPATHICALLY RE-ESTABLISHED!
Actually, if never takes long to put the tree up...
The look states it all
bottoms upRed