Today's topic is a chance for you to inform other readers of your adventure in this type of spankings.
Just in case this has only a femdom concept, this nicely captioned photo reminds us it can equally apply to a woman beofre she is spanked.
I have never orgasm-ed before being spanked,
but this is something a wife can demand you do yourself in her presence as she sits on the spanking chair waiting to spank you
or she can decide to give you a helping hand
whether indoors or outdoors
(the above photos are from )
Readers previously have expressed how the spanking is, (or appears to be) much more intense, as your senses are heightened by an orgasm.
I wonder if this next gif would be even more intense, in that your erection is not permitted to wilt while you are being spanked?
whereas being spanked while orgasming would undoubtedly be pure bliss
one other viewpoint
“If a man goes into subspace easily from being disciplined, his wife might require that he masturbate prior to a session that is meant to be a real punishment. This will remove most if not all the erotic elements for him, although it might heighten the erotic elements for her if she is turned on by the thought of her husband submitting despite not being aroused.
Nevertheless, if you want the D/s energy and the sexual passion to be present during a discipline session, it is best if the man is in an aroused state. The longer he has been denied sexual release, the more discipline he can take, and the more discipline he can take, the more D/s energy can be exchanged during the session.“
Text probably by Elise Sutton
I have occasionally mentioned to Cindy that her spanking me after making love might be more intense and useful, but both of us are happily exhausted after spectacular spanking and then each of us orgasming. We are NOT into deep femdom, so Cindy has no interest in this aspect of control and dominance.
bottoms up
Just in case this has only a femdom concept, this nicely captioned photo reminds us it can equally apply to a woman beofre she is spanked.
I have never orgasm-ed before being spanked,
but this is something a wife can demand you do yourself in her presence as she sits on the spanking chair waiting to spank you
or she can decide to give you a helping hand
whether indoors or outdoors
(the above photos are from )
Readers previously have expressed how the spanking is, (or appears to be) much more intense, as your senses are heightened by an orgasm.
I wonder if this next gif would be even more intense, in that your erection is not permitted to wilt while you are being spanked?
whereas being spanked while orgasming would undoubtedly be pure bliss
one other viewpoint
“If a man goes into subspace easily from being disciplined, his wife might require that he masturbate prior to a session that is meant to be a real punishment. This will remove most if not all the erotic elements for him, although it might heighten the erotic elements for her if she is turned on by the thought of her husband submitting despite not being aroused.
Nevertheless, if you want the D/s energy and the sexual passion to be present during a discipline session, it is best if the man is in an aroused state. The longer he has been denied sexual release, the more discipline he can take, and the more discipline he can take, the more D/s energy can be exchanged during the session.“
Text probably by Elise Sutton
I have occasionally mentioned to Cindy that her spanking me after making love might be more intense and useful, but both of us are happily exhausted after spectacular spanking and then each of us orgasming. We are NOT into deep femdom, so Cindy has no interest in this aspect of control and dominance.
bottoms up