While we were visiting family, we took a mini vacation tour favorite area in California, Mendocino. Traveling from one coast to the other,it is best to have an extended stay, but not be with family for the entire time.
Traveling with us was the short tawse, as it fits easily in luggage, and does not set off alarms in airports. I think it is now our go to implement for Cindy to spank me with.
If you are driving to Mendocino from the south, you probably end up taking the 101 north of San Francisco, and then the 128.
While on the 128, Cindy mentioned that we would be coming to our spanking spot soon. OOPS! I have spanked Cindy there once, and she has spanked me there a few times. Cindy expressed the opinion that we should start off our alone time together with a spanking to help set a excellent mood. Happy, and worry, instantly struck me, as did an erection. I had been thinking of mentioning it, but we had already done some Sonoma wine tasting(delicious), and was uncertain what Cindy was thinking.
We wholeheartedly recommend this route as the 128 takes you through a ten or so mile of fabulous redwoods. If coming from the south, right after the first area like this, you have a nice spot to stop, and a little drop off to a river, where you are below anyone seeing you from the road. There is a call box at this rest stop, so it is easy to find. (it is the only call box on this route)
Note that these redwoods here are small,but you are about to drive through some gorgeous large redwoods. The next photo shows how private you can be just off the road (MOST OF THE TIME)
We made good use of this spot, with me bending at the waist, bare bottomed, and Cindy using the short tawse to maximum effect. I was bouncing around a bit quite quickly, and Cindy was using full arm swings and body motion, to maximum effect.
After many spanks, Cindy had me stand up straight, so that she could spank areas that were not quite as available when I was bent over. With leather, Cindy can go much higher on my bottom, an area that is rarely spanked.
As you can see from the above photo, Cindy is right handed, and spanks from the left side. She has also learned to use the tawse solely on the closest cheek to her, which has the twin ends biting in the crack of my bottom. Thus, that area is rarely spanked OTK, so is really virgin when in the great outdoors. Cindy spanked the top of my legs, below my bottom, but this area is not visible in the photo.
One slight note is that we did hear some people in the distance, but then the voices stopped,so possibly they decided to walk the other way, or simply stood silently and enjoyed hearing me be slightly scolded and strongly spanked.
Hopefully, my directions will allow you to plan to stop there if you ever travel this route. The deliciousness of being outdoors, highly unlikely of being discovered (but possible anytime you are outdoors)
The drive to Mendocino was great, with a sore hot bottom and some teasing from Cindy. You know you want me to spank you, so I doubt I will hear any complaints, but if you have any, we can deal with them at the hotel (AKA: another spanking)
No complaints, but absolutely fantastic mind blowing sex that evening. We both agree that it is far better than anything we did when we were twenty-some of age, having the experience of how to deliver the most deliciousness to our partner, factored in with no family responsibilities of diapers, work cut the grass, etc... plus the aphrodisiac of spanking and being spanked.
If you have never tried spanking outdoors, you must try it sometime......
Apologies for the dic pic! This was the only photo taken, and I had forgotten to hold it our of sight. (I should mention that it had obviously shrunk when Cindy spanked me, and needs encouragement from Cindy to return to its full glory, which was NOT going to happen this close to the road.
Here is another DIRTY DICK PIC for your amusement.
Traveling with us was the short tawse, as it fits easily in luggage, and does not set off alarms in airports. I think it is now our go to implement for Cindy to spank me with.
If you are driving to Mendocino from the south, you probably end up taking the 101 north of San Francisco, and then the 128.
While on the 128, Cindy mentioned that we would be coming to our spanking spot soon. OOPS! I have spanked Cindy there once, and she has spanked me there a few times. Cindy expressed the opinion that we should start off our alone time together with a spanking to help set a excellent mood. Happy, and worry, instantly struck me, as did an erection. I had been thinking of mentioning it, but we had already done some Sonoma wine tasting(delicious), and was uncertain what Cindy was thinking.
We wholeheartedly recommend this route as the 128 takes you through a ten or so mile of fabulous redwoods. If coming from the south, right after the first area like this, you have a nice spot to stop, and a little drop off to a river, where you are below anyone seeing you from the road. There is a call box at this rest stop, so it is easy to find. (it is the only call box on this route)
Note that these redwoods here are small,but you are about to drive through some gorgeous large redwoods. The next photo shows how private you can be just off the road (MOST OF THE TIME)
We made good use of this spot, with me bending at the waist, bare bottomed, and Cindy using the short tawse to maximum effect. I was bouncing around a bit quite quickly, and Cindy was using full arm swings and body motion, to maximum effect.
After many spanks, Cindy had me stand up straight, so that she could spank areas that were not quite as available when I was bent over. With leather, Cindy can go much higher on my bottom, an area that is rarely spanked.
As you can see from the above photo, Cindy is right handed, and spanks from the left side. She has also learned to use the tawse solely on the closest cheek to her, which has the twin ends biting in the crack of my bottom. Thus, that area is rarely spanked OTK, so is really virgin when in the great outdoors. Cindy spanked the top of my legs, below my bottom, but this area is not visible in the photo.
One slight note is that we did hear some people in the distance, but then the voices stopped,so possibly they decided to walk the other way, or simply stood silently and enjoyed hearing me be slightly scolded and strongly spanked.
Hopefully, my directions will allow you to plan to stop there if you ever travel this route. The deliciousness of being outdoors, highly unlikely of being discovered (but possible anytime you are outdoors)
The drive to Mendocino was great, with a sore hot bottom and some teasing from Cindy. You know you want me to spank you, so I doubt I will hear any complaints, but if you have any, we can deal with them at the hotel (AKA: another spanking)
No complaints, but absolutely fantastic mind blowing sex that evening. We both agree that it is far better than anything we did when we were twenty-some of age, having the experience of how to deliver the most deliciousness to our partner, factored in with no family responsibilities of diapers, work cut the grass, etc... plus the aphrodisiac of spanking and being spanked.
If you have never tried spanking outdoors, you must try it sometime......
Apologies for the dic pic! This was the only photo taken, and I had forgotten to hold it our of sight. (I should mention that it had obviously shrunk when Cindy spanked me, and needs encouragement from Cindy to return to its full glory, which was NOT going to happen this close to the road.
Here is another DIRTY DICK PIC for your amusement.
bottoms upred