Many males are so excited by the thought of a spanking, that they have an instant erection. Women, however, when intent on spanking you, have no intention of letting that erection spoil their fun of spanking you.
You can just imagine the words:
Yes dear, I love you and your erection, so I will kiss you, and then spank you!
Sometimes the woman might be so annoyed that all she will say is:
Imagine the comments when about to be spanked by two women, and then they mock your erection
Are you embarrassed if , as a few regular men who leave comments, the erection is in front of your mother-in-law
She might be delighted, and impressed, and determined to make it whither
About to be spanked in front of your wife's friends, she questions how you could possibly embarrass her with your erection, which is slowly withering
whereas your new bride is astounded that you are erect, whereas you are worried about how large her paddle is
they are discussing who should spank you first
You can imagine the words: HOW DARE YOU!
However, equally valid is the following for a woman1
Do you get erect when informed of an impending spanking?
I always used to , and sometimes still do, but age has slowed the erections when a spanking is about to occur. Probably now only 50% of the time!
bottoms up
You can just imagine the words:
Yes dear, I love you and your erection, so I will kiss you, and then spank you!
Sometimes the woman might be so annoyed that all she will say is:
Imagine the comments when about to be spanked by two women, and then they mock your erection
Are you embarrassed if , as a few regular men who leave comments, the erection is in front of your mother-in-law
She might be delighted, and impressed, and determined to make it whither

whereas your new bride is astounded that you are erect, whereas you are worried about how large her paddle is
they are discussing who should spank you first
You can imagine the words: HOW DARE YOU!
However, equally valid is the following for a woman1
Do you get erect when informed of an impending spanking?
I always used to , and sometimes still do, but age has slowed the erections when a spanking is about to occur. Probably now only 50% of the time!
bottoms up