Only occasionally do I post links to other tumblrs, as they appear to be endless when related to spanking.
Too bad we could not have a convention of people who have both spanking blogs, tumblrs, and WordPress sites.
For those into men being spanked, here are a few sites you might like to visit...
a change of pace... men mooning
remember, m/m sites have more things as part of the spanking scene.
bottoms up
Too bad we could not have a convention of people who have both spanking blogs, tumblrs, and WordPress sites.
For those into men being spanked, here are a few sites you might like to visit...
however, if you like photos that being out the submissive side of a man, such as being naked in front of one or more clothed women
you will love the following siteMy dilemma in posting links is that we do not approve of spanking children, but some sites show spanking of children. Thus, I do scan for a few months worth of photos, but tumblrs change over time.
One spanking art site, that had lots of great stuff, also had one, which can only be interpreted as a group rape! The woman is confronted by a number of young mid twenties men, she looks scared, it is outdoor in a city setting, and then you see her being spanked by them... ATROCIOUS!
One spanking art site, that had lots of great stuff, also had one, which can only be interpreted as a group rape! The woman is confronted by a number of young mid twenties men, she looks scared, it is outdoor in a city setting, and then you see her being spanked by them... ATROCIOUS!
many men spanking men sites also exist, so I am posting a few of those also.
(arizona spanker)a change of pace... men mooning
remember, m/m sites have more things as part of the spanking scene.
bottoms up