The setting leaves an impression of what’s about to happen is nothing special, just an everyday, routine event in this household dominant woman waiting for her husband up for some martial discipline
I believe the following.
Some men need the release of being in the hands of a strong woman, who guide them through life's difficulties
Some men, myself leading that species of men, would gladly be spanked strongly, than argue... IT does not matter whether we were right or we were wrong in the argument.
I become very stressed when arguing, and even more stressed if a spanking is stated for later, and never happens. Actually, although not while you are being actually spanked, this motto is so true.
A kiss before she is about to spank him, expresses the tenderness, affection, and love that men so desperately crave. She is clothed, but he is already naked.
and now she waits patiently as you apologize for the reason that caused you to be spanked
but do not take too long, and never explain any ideas that you think will mitigate in your favor, as she has already decided you need to be spanked, and you will only annoy her more.

Domestic discipline is an integral part of many relationships, where everything is discussed reasonably, but the right to spank you for transgressions remains.
it is is mine... and always remember to thank her for your spanking
some of the photos and a couple of the captions come from
bottoms up