I certainly wish my marriage had started like this!
However, if it had, my thoughts on spanking at that time involved the man spanking the woman. In addition, I truly loved my wife, and telling her about my spanking desires might have ruined everything before we even had begun married life. Better to suppress spanking and stay married to the woman I loved, than risk losing her.
You can read more if you click on the label below titled "our relationship"
It was no where as easy as this art work says, as Cindy has never been comfortable hurting me, but with my encouragement, she is willing to spank me whenever needed or requested.
One might say this tee shirt is appropriate, and that place is sometimes over her knees being spanked
We have progressed to the notches type system, where three notches makes for a spanking, and a notch is explained best by this captioned photo
Cindy is very willing to make the spanking significant and memorable
and this photo of Audrey Knight could easily be Cindy smiling after my spanking.
Bottoms up
However, if it had, my thoughts on spanking at that time involved the man spanking the woman. In addition, I truly loved my wife, and telling her about my spanking desires might have ruined everything before we even had begun married life. Better to suppress spanking and stay married to the woman I loved, than risk losing her.
About 25 years after being married, I broached the topic of spanking, but Cindy had no interest in being spanked, and by then , with the Internet, and the capability of seeing women spanking men, i evolved into wanting Cindy to spank me. I used information from http://auntkaysdwc.com/
which is the location for information that used to be on disciplinary wives club website, until she gave up the website due to cost, and found a better deal elsewhere to post the site. (The old site is now a scam type set-up.You can read more if you click on the label below titled "our relationship"
It was no where as easy as this art work says, as Cindy has never been comfortable hurting me, but with my encouragement, she is willing to spank me whenever needed or requested.

One might say this tee shirt is appropriate, and that place is sometimes over her knees being spanked
We have progressed to the notches type system, where three notches makes for a spanking, and a notch is explained best by this captioned photo
Cindy is very willing to make the spanking significant and memorable

Bottoms up