Well, it appears I am becoming one of many ways of alerting spanksters about new blogs, tumblrs, and websites. It seems like a reasonable thing to do, and I am HAPPY to HELP LEAD PEOPLE TO THEIR SITE.
So, from a new friend in Australia, I received this email
So, from a new friend in Australia, I received this email
Howdy Red,
I'm Steve and I recently reopened my old blog (spankozblog.com ).
I'm a fan of your site and read it sometimes ...
Now I just recently reopened my old blog and wanted to ask you to take a look - maybe give me a shout out or put me in your blog roll ?
I would definitively appreciate it !
Happy blogging!
Steve ( spankozblog.com )
Why do i recommend this site? It is a site that gives advice, about many issues in spanking.
For a newcomer to spanking, they have an article entitled Spanking for the first time
How a smaller person can spank a larger person
Spanking for the over fifties
Asking for a spanking...
and so many other topics!
You may not agree with everything they suggest, but I think you will agree with most ideas, and it is good to see a site devoted TO HELPING PEOPLE WITH A INTEREST IN SPANKING, BUT UNCERTAIN HOW TO PROCEED, AND ALSO INFORMATION THAT HELPS AVID SPANKERS HAVE NEW IDEAS TO EXPERIMENT WITH.,
Have a look and a read. I found none of their pictures could be saved to re-post, so this posting is solely without pictures. I doubt their photos and art are originals, so i hope they will modify this feature of their site.
bottoms up