Wow, the title has probably caught your attention..... but unlike you might be excitedly thinking about, another possible excitement is the rest of the title.
The event was created by Mark Storey and Jacob Gabriel and is currently in its 12th year.
According to its website , the day is all about “getting naked and making the world’s gardens–whatever their size, public or private–healthier and more attractive.”
Storey also makes the point that no one will be penalized if they don’t get all the way down to their birthday suit.
So why be naked? Well, Storey says it’s about feeling that natural connection to nature.
“The gardening-naked connection is pretty natural,” he told NY Daily News. “There’s not much body acceptance around, so the idea is to get people to try it. Maybe they will realize that the human body is OK, and also beautify the earth a little bit.”
The movement began in Storey’s native Seattle but is now celebrated all around the world.
Public nudity laws vary from state to state, so be sure to read up on it if you enter a public gardening space.
Storey’s website also recommends you tell someone about what you’re doing to spread the word.
“Secondly,” he writes, “tell someone about your experience. No one owns this event, so it does not really matter whom you tell, but tell someone.”
Testimonials on the site say how much more connected and free people feel when gardening naked.
Even if you may not want to get naked, gardening has been proven to be good for your health, and more than that, it’s fun!
This year, WNGD falls on May 7, so mark your calendars and be one with nature in all your naked glory.
Unfortunately, I am a little too shy to do this, as all our neighbors overlook our back yard, and a visit from the police would be unpleasant.
Bicycling naked I would do, as then you are in a group of like minded individuals, and going naked at a nude beach is a delight. Oppressive laws about nudity are not to be trifled with as an individual, unless maybe you live in Portland or Seattle.
here is another way to get exercise!
Maybe next year.
the above article came from
bottoms up
Get Undressed for World Naked Gardening Day
The first Saturday in May marks World Naked Gardening Day. Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like.The event was created by Mark Storey and Jacob Gabriel and is currently in its 12th year.
According to its website , the day is all about “getting naked and making the world’s gardens–whatever their size, public or private–healthier and more attractive.”
Storey also makes the point that no one will be penalized if they don’t get all the way down to their birthday suit.
So why be naked? Well, Storey says it’s about feeling that natural connection to nature.
“The gardening-naked connection is pretty natural,” he told NY Daily News. “There’s not much body acceptance around, so the idea is to get people to try it. Maybe they will realize that the human body is OK, and also beautify the earth a little bit.”
The movement began in Storey’s native Seattle but is now celebrated all around the world.
Public nudity laws vary from state to state, so be sure to read up on it if you enter a public gardening space.
Storey’s website also recommends you tell someone about what you’re doing to spread the word.
“Secondly,” he writes, “tell someone about your experience. No one owns this event, so it does not really matter whom you tell, but tell someone.”
Testimonials on the site say how much more connected and free people feel when gardening naked.
Even if you may not want to get naked, gardening has been proven to be good for your health, and more than that, it’s fun!
This year, WNGD falls on May 7, so mark your calendars and be one with nature in all your naked glory.
Unfortunately, I am a little too shy to do this, as all our neighbors overlook our back yard, and a visit from the police would be unpleasant.
Bicycling naked I would do, as then you are in a group of like minded individuals, and going naked at a nude beach is a delight. Oppressive laws about nudity are not to be trifled with as an individual, unless maybe you live in Portland or Seattle.
here is another way to get exercise!
Maybe next year.
the above article came from
bottoms up