Some people might just beginning to explore the sensual field of spankings, whereas many readers are extremely involved in the spanking scene.
Whatever your level of experience,I wholeheartedly recommend this article, which contains many links.
Who knows, you might come up with a new idea, to add additional kink to your consensual play.
This might be one way you started having her spank you
Little did he know that she would love it
and someday, he may rue the decision to ask her to spank him
the above three captions come from
bottoms up
Whatever your level of experience,I wholeheartedly recommend this article, which contains many links.
Who knows, you might come up with a new idea, to add additional kink to your consensual play.
This might be one way you started having her spank you
Little did he know that she would love it
and someday, he may rue the decision to ask her to spank him
the above three captions come from
bottoms up