I have finally starting cleaning out my email folders, and found some wonderful items. I will be sharing some as time goes by.
This is from a friend,, who lives in the USA. Maybe he will give an update from what he sent 4 years ago
I've been reading your blog now for about a month now and I really enjoy it. Your experiences with spanking are the closest in concept to mine that I've come across so far.
I wanted to make contact to say hi and share some thoughts if that's OK.
My journey with spanking has been a long one and there have been ups and downs. For as long as I can remember I've been fascinated by it. Mostly my interest has been with me being the spankee but I'm not against being the spanker either.
My wife and I have been happily married now for 27 years, with wonderful children
My wife has known of my spanking desires since before we were married and has indulged me occasionally, both before marriage and into the early years but when the kids were born that was it. She point blank refused.
About 2 years ago however, my pent up desires started to spill over and I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I tried to keep it hidden but it was killing me. Our marriage, while not perfect, was pretty good but I couldn't keep this resurgence from her. We usually don't keep things from each other and I was not handling this well. She saw the agony I was in and wanted me to tell her but I was afraid to tell her because I was convinced she'd freak.
She didn't. In fact, she just said "OK".
And that was the start of this journey, of discovery and a closer, healthier marriage.
My reason for contacting you as I said, though, is just to say hello and to gain some insight as I feel I am somewhat unique for a male spankee in that for me it is just pure sexual gratification. I do not desire punishment, discipline nor a dominating women. And for that matter, neither does my wife.
In my searching the interwebs I've just not found any male spankees that just want to be spanked because, well they want to be spanked. There are plenty of females who I can relate to in this regard but no males. You're the closest I've come across thus prompting this email. You seem to enjoy it as much as I do, I think although you do use it for relational therapy too.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this if you did. It would be nice to hear back but please don't feel obliged.
Best regards,
I am reasonably certain I answered then, but here is another answer that hopefully is similar:

I crave spankings, and once they came into my life with Cindy, my desire grew. I believe this desire is a absolutely similar desire to Ronnie's, Hermione's, Jan's, and many other women who blog about spanking..

We use spankings as foreplay, but we also use spankings as a method to solve small meaningless problems, and later in the day we have no idea why the disagreement occurred. . It simply works for us, but Cindy at times goes through stages of not spanking me.

and this thought is delightful
I whole heartedly recommend this site to you
Hopefully some other people will add why they have spankings in their life?
bottoms up