So, I sometimes forget what day is coming up, and simply schedule posts in advance. Thus, I have changed today's post.
Hope you have a wonderful Easter Sunday with family and friends.
And beware the Easter Monday SPANKING (photo comes from Jan's
While chocolate and Easter eggs feature prominently in Eastern European celebrations, another tradition might raise eyebrows – the Easter spanking. In countries such as the Czech Republic and Hungary, it’s a custom for men to “spank” women with specially made decorative willow whips on Easter Monday. The symbolic spanking – it shouldn’t hurt – is supposed to bring the women good health in the following year, and men are supposed to get an Easter treat (such as an egg or chocolate) for the favor.As travel writer Stephanie MacLellan explains in Getting Spanked, or Easter the tradition is widespread, but not everyone takes part.
bottoms up
Hope you have a wonderful Easter Sunday with family and friends.
And beware the Easter Monday SPANKING (photo comes from Jan's
Bizarre Easter Traditions

Easter Spanking?
bottoms up